Laura Salomone's goal was to evoke a sense of nostalgia and highlight the passage of time as she conceived and brought this work to life. Drawing on carefully selected and curated discarded materials such as books, old papers, and other found objects, she gave new meaning to ancient narratives through creative use and layering, creating a more sustainable future through art.
Each piece shows the potential of discarded objects to become meaningful again, highlighting the importance of recovery and reinvention in a world full of waste. Salomone's artworks harmonize with their surroundings and blur the line between art and space, retaining both part of a larger whole and individual identities. Walls serve as integral parts of the narrative and provide context for the individual works. The space itself becomes a canvas that reflects the creative process and emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between art and the environment. Sketches, tools and other remnants from Salomone's studio offer insights into the creative process from conception to completion.
Laura Salomone, born in 1981 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, is an Argentine artist who lives and works in Berlin. She studied product design at the Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin and fine arts at the National University of the Arts in Buenos Aires. She also holds certificates in art directing, costume design and characterization from SICA in Buenos Aires. Salomone has worked as a set designer and photo stylist for films, commercials and music videos and has been involved in over a hundred film productions. She is currently developing a workshop to study color theory through collage and designing handmade notebooks and pattern designs. Her artistic practice emphasizes the recycling and creative redesign of materials to create new meanings and sustainable futures.
Location: Ribbeck-Haus Märkisches Viertel
Senftenberger Ring 54 13435 Berlin
Opening hours: Mon, Wed & Fri. 08:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m.
Tue & Thu 10:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m.
Duration: 02.08 – 30.09.2024
Finissage on the 25.09., at 5.00 pm